The art of rest

The art of rest

In today’s fast-paced culture, we cannot over-value the benefits of rest. Rest is a yin activity, and serves to enhance the qualities of nurturance, relaxation, imagination and introspection. It naturally balances the predominantly yang energy of our time, where we...
Satsang: The  phases of knowing.

Satsang: The phases of knowing.

When we relate to our wisdom, we need inevitably to relate to our multi-dimensionality. Each of our different layers of existence knows different things, and is capable of knowing different things.  For example, the physical body knows certain things, and the mind...
Meditation to Create Inner Affection

Meditation to Create Inner Affection

Taking time to sit by yourself in a quiet environment is a sign of inner affection. That moment can be enhanced in many ways and for as long as you want. Here is a 7-step active meditation to enhance inner affection. This meditation can be done at any time during the...
The World Within

The World Within

From radio show altitude  September the 13th, 2012 The topic of discussion today is the world within. This a topic that many of us, in the seeking of spiritual balance, confuse and I want to clarify certain points so that you have a clear perspective of what it is...
Navigating the Waters of the Autochtonous World

Navigating the Waters of the Autochtonous World

By Isabela Blanchet Your ayurvedic beauty Consultant. I wanted to write an article for Berdhanya’s blog, removing the self as I have often done before. This time, it just wouldn’t work. It feels like a journal entry, but there is a push from within that won’t let me...