The perception of “We are all one living and intelligent unit” is part of masterhood. The perception is not an intellectual, scientific concept that only declares that we are all joined together in a network of sound-light. The realized one, perceives this law of reality and establishes all actions accordingly.
The “we being” is intensively perceptive, receptive and responsive. The seeker in his/her journey of masterhood may recognize these attributes of consciousness as: fragility, sensibility or an overwhelming feeling in the heart for a short period of time.
On the other hand, the seeker also needs to understand the difference with a similar feeling of fragility coming from the fundamental disconnection from the “We”.
Through time we had directed our understanding to an individual existence; we have found a limited identity there with a code of experiences and a fortification of the personality. That individual self, the one that is not getting the whole picture of reality, is fundamentally insecure, vulnerable and fragile. The feeling of loneliness, separation and lack of belonging is the result of operating in the individual way of perception. The fragility coming from this perception, looks to be covered up and it looks for a hiding place. That place is created by the creation of concepts, opinions and a certain mental rigidity, a certain tension and a certain aloofness.
When the seeker honestly makes a breakthrough from his/her own rigidity, he/she finds that vulnerable part, the one that has conceived itself separate from the whole. The seeker needs to identify it and welcome it to the larger cosmology of the self. Nothing else needs to be done: no healing, no empowerments, no psychology. All that is needed, is to understand that the parts that are disconnected by the individual perception are experienced as fragile and insecure.
Now, let’s direct your attention towards the quality of consciousness that has an equal quality of fragility, shyness and receptivity. This part; however, has an intrinsic security, boldness and penetrating softness. I can compare it with the reaction of a 2 or 3-year old child in front of new situations or people. They naturally have a certain timid expression. In an equal way, the realized one perceives, connects and gets absorbed into the “other”; that is, his or her in a total way. In this communion there is a certain fragility, certain wonder, pleasure and understanding of “ I am we”.
For the realized one to meet over and over the other (his/her) gives the pleasure, the way of learning and the way to evolve. In that communion is the ultimate security, the ultimate strength and the ultimate fragility.