The deeper we go within, the quieter the mind becomes.
Winter Silent online
From Dec. 19, 6 pm, to the 22, at 3 pm, 2024
Return home refreshed with a clear mind and new insights to direct your life. !
This four-day silent retreat treats your inner desire to be well, reconnect with your inner power, and let go of the obsolete.
Silent retreats are a great way to rest, contemplate and deepen your self-inquiry.
Retreats with Berdhanya include periods of Satsang (oral teachings), meditation, seva (service) meditation, breathontology sessions, ayurveda massages (not included in the price), and yoga.
Seekers from all walks of life and experience levels (including beginners) are welcome!

Berdhanya had facilitated silent retreats
3 times a year for 25 years!
Silence is to descend from the chatting of the mind to the stillness of the heart.
Silent retreats have been used in the yogi tradition for thousands of years to enter into the world within. Restricted stimulation of the senses, silence, diet, ayurveda, meditation, yoga, contemplation and self inquiry sustains our deepest desire to know the self. Silent retreat is an opportunity to learn about yourself and to firmly establish your personal connection. Powerful meditation techniques bring the mind to one pointedness and stillness. Practices of concentration and contemplation focus our attention effortlessly towards one direction in our life. We learn inner reflection and how to create the right environment to sustain and balance our daily life. It is in the within that our outer life becomes calm and peaceful. The practice of introversion is complemented by teachings that facilitate the proper perception of our reality and inner realization.
Silence Retreats are 4 days dedicated to rest, self-examination and the realization of the true Self.
The course Practical Awakening is a prerequisite for this program.

Online Winter Silent Retreat
From Dec. 19, 6 pm to the 22, 3 pm, 2024
Theme: Civilization.
Time for introspection
Winter retreats are dedicated to deep introspection and rebuilding our inner strengths. We use the forces of the seasons and apply specific techniques to maintain our clarity and connect with the earth’s stillness. Meditation is the central activity of silent retreats.
Cost for a retreat at the lake: $500.00, includes food and accommodation
A $ 100.00 non-refundable deposit is needed to reserve your spot.
Cost for Online participation: Cd $ 450.00
Credit card Payment is here.

Ayurvedic treatments with ayurvedic practitioner Sebastian Peralta.
Special prices for Retreats

Treatments are available on Friday and Saturday.
Our qualify ayurvedic practitioner facilitates:
Adbhyanga massage: $ 90.00, One hour. Full body massage with medicated oils. Our practitioner works with organic oils for each dosha.
Head Massage: $ 45.00, 30 minutes.
Face massage: $ 45.00, 30 minutes.
You need to make reservations with Sebastian before the retreat to book your treatments.
Pay for your treatment directly to Viveda.- Treatments are not included in our program.
Considerations Before your retreat
Learn the details
Where to go and meeting time
This retreat is online, we may offer a stay at our center in Lady smith.- We announce availability close to the date.
Our retreat are facilitated at Berdhanya Teaching Centre in Lake Thorn. 18 Cosgrove.
A reminder that winter access to the cottage is different than in summer;
From Wakefield take 366 west through Masham to Lac des Loups, straight at church towards Pontiac to the right on Ragged chute, right on Twelfes line rd. to the right on Thorne lake rd. to the right on Mathieux , left on Manners to the cottage( the civic address is 32 Cosgrove)
Meeting time is at 6 pm on Thursday.
This is an online retreat.
Agenda of the retreat
6 pm registration and orientation
6:30 pm to 8 pm session
Friday and Saturday
7:00 am Sadhana- Yoga with a senior student.
8:00 am breakfast
10:00 am to 12 pm am session with Matthew and Berdhanya
1:00 pm lunch
2:00 pm body work, or nap
2:30 pm seva
4:00 pm to 6 pm session
6:00 pm dinner
7:00 pm body work or free time
8:00 pm end of the day program
7: am Sadhana with senior teacher
8:00 am breakfast
9:00 am to 12:00 pm session
1:00 pm lunch
1:30 pm to 2:30 pm session
3:00 pm end of the retreat
What to bring
- Meditation kit (cushion, shawl and a large blanket). The retreat involves several sittings a day in meditation, so bring what you think you need to make you comfortable. If you are not used to sitting in meditation, seats are available.
- Comfortable clothes.
- Your water bottle. We have a beautiful and bountiful amount of spring water. We encourage you during the retreat to drink plenty of water.
- Please bring your own towels, bedding, biodegradable soaps and art supplies- notebook.
During the retreat we will be doing a monodiet of kachari. Learn here what a monodiet is.
If you have sensitivity to ghee, please let us know. Bring your own oil.
We will supply 3 meals a day on Friday and Saturday. Sunday, one meal. For your breakfast at home, we suggest you take some leftovers from us, or cook your own kicharee at home. Find the recipe here.
Use the week before the retreat to start eating light.
Post retreat care
Avoid heavy food.

” What a pleasurable weekend ! I feel totally revitalized and refreshed after my short time here. Retreat can be a bit intimidating at times- leaving the comfort of home for a break in a total silence, knowing that I have to see parts of myself that I did not want to see…..but the serenity and rest are incomparable, better that the best of spas.”