Oct. 22 TO NOV. 1, 2025
The vibration of Peru coincides with the formation and creativity of our second chakra. In alignment with this part of the earth, we have a clear consciousness of the purpose of our creations. It is not a process of creativity only, but to gestate consciously the new structure of the planet and the souls that come to inhabit it. Your womb, in consecration, charged each of the manifestations of your life with full vitality and restored potential. Our journey to the different parts of Peru and Chile will touch this chakra’s center and periphery aspects. It will teach you how to make soul petitions, co-create with masters of this solar system, and bring into the earth through your sacred womb the original paradise from which the world was created.
Cost: $ 900.00 US for the teaching. (does not cover flight, accommodations or other expenses)
Registrations are now open.