You are silence
Lady Smith Quebec Retreat Details
Theme: Chambers of the heart.
First retreat: October 17 from 6 pm to Sunday, October 20 at 3 pm.
Second retreat: October 31 to the 3th.
Where: Berdhanya Teaching Center Lady Smith
Cost: $500.00 Canadian Dollars in person. Includes accommodation and food. Register here.
$ 450.00 CD. Online participation.
Bodywork with Sebastian: You can book ayurvedic massages at the retreat. The cost of treatments is in addition to the retreat.
Alberta Retreat Details
Theme: Inner stability
When: Nov. 7 to the 10th.
Where: Lake Isle, Alberta.
Cost: $900.00 Canadian Dollars. Include accommodation and food. Register here.- US 600.00
Ayurvedic Bodywork: You can book Ayurvedic massages at the retreat. The cost of treatments is in addition to the retreat.
We will send more details after registration.
Seekers from all walks of life and experience levels (including beginners) are welcome
Berdhanya Had facilitated Silent retreats 3 times a year for 35 years!

Three days of Silence to descend from the chatting of the mind to the stillness of the heart.
Silent retreats have been used in the yogi tradition for thousands of years to enter into the world within. Restricted stimulation of the senses, silence, diet, Ayurveda, meditation, yoga, contemplation and self-inquiry sustain our deepest desire to know the self. The silent retreat is an opportunity to learn about yourself and to establish your personal connection firmly. Powerful meditation techniques bring the mind to one-pointedness and stillness. Practices of concentration and contemplation focus our attention effortlessly toward one direction in our lives. We learn inner reflection and how to create the right environment to sustain and balance our daily lives. It is in the within that our outer life becomes calm and peaceful. The practice of introversion is complemented by teachings that facilitate the proper perception of our reality and inner realization.
Our silence Retreats are a dedicated 4-day journey into rest, self-examination, and the realization of the true Self.
How to prepare for a silent retreat
Quebec Retreat
Learn the details
Quebec retreat Where to go and meeting time
For registrations in person, our retreat is facilitated in Pontiac, Quebec, in our private lake retreat center. Our facilities are 45 minutes from Ottawa.
Address: 18 Cosgrove St., Lake Thorn. Pontiac.
Meeting time is at 6 pm on Thursday.
Directions from Shaville
From Shawville, take 303 towards Ladysmith. Go 5 or 6 Km.
There will be a sign on the fifth call. Carteris turns right before the curve on Wesley.
Go down to Wesley to the end, turn left.
Go over the bridge and go to the end of that road. That will take you to Thorne Lake Road.
Turn left on Thorne Lake Road.
The second right is called Killoran; turn right on Killoran.
Go left on Cosgrove on the Y, go through the gate, and our place is on the right.
If weather permits, camping is an option.
Accommodations are based on the needs of the student and the time of registration.
Agenda of the retreat
6 pm registration and orientation
6:30 pm to 8 pm session
Friday and Saturday
8:00 am breakfast
9:00 am to 12 pm am session
1:00 pm lunch
2:00 pm body work, or nap
2:30 pm seva
4:00 pm to 6 pm session
6:00 pm dinner
7:00 pm body work or free time
8:00 pm end of the day program
8:00 am breakfast
9:00 am to 12:00 pm session
1:00 pm lunch
1:30 pm to 2:30 pm session
3:00 pm end of the retreat
What to bring
- Meditation kit (cushion, shawl and a large blanket). The retreat involves several sittings a day in meditation, so bring what you think you need to make you comfortable. If you are not used to sitting in meditation, seats are available.
- Comfortable clothes.
- Your water bottle. We have a beautiful and bountiful amount of spring water. We encourage you to drink plenty of water during the retreat.
- Bring your toiletry and bedding.- We supply blankets, bed covers, and pillows.
During the retreat we will be doing a monodiet of kachari. Learn here what a monodiet is.
If you have sensitivity to ghee, please let us know. Bring your own oil.
We will supply 3 meals a day on Friday and Saturday. Sunday, one meal. For your breakfast at home, we suggest you take some leftovers from us, or cook your own kicharee at home. Find the recipe here.
Use the week before the retreat to start eating light.
If any food restrictions, please bring your own vegetarian ffod.
Post retreat care
Avoid heavy food.
Edmonton Retreat
Learn the details
Where to go and meeting time
If weather permits, camping is an option.
Accommodations are determined by two factors: your needs as a student and the time of your registration. This ensures a fair and personalized experience for all participants.
Agenda of the retreat
6 pm registration and orientation
6:30 pm to 8 pm session
Friday and Saturday
8:00 am breakfast
9:00 am to 12 pm am session
1:00 pm lunch
2:00 pm body work, or nap
2:30 pm seva
4:00 pm to 6 pm session
6:00 pm dinner
7:00 pm body work or free time
8:00 pm end of the day program
8:00 am breakfast
9:00 am to 12:00 pm session
1:00 pm lunch
1:30 pm to 2:30 pm session
3:00 pm end of the retreat
What to bring
- Meditation kit (cushion, shawl and a large blanket). The retreat involves several sittings a day in meditation, so bring what you think you need to make you comfortable. If you are not used to sitting in meditation, seats are available.
- Comfortable clothes.
- Your water bottle. We have a beautiful and bountiful amount of spring water. We encourage you to drink plenty of water during the retreat.
- Bring your toiletry and bedding.- We supply blankets, bed covers, and pillows.
During the retreat we will be doing a monodiet of kachari. Learn here what a monodiet is.
If you have sensitivity to ghee, please let us know. Bring your own oil.
We will supply 3 meals a day on Friday and Saturday. Sunday, one meal. For your breakfast at home, we suggest you take some leftovers from us, or cook your own kicharee at home. Find the recipe here.
Use the week before the retreat to start eating light.
If any food restrictions, please bring your own vegetarian ffod.
Post retreat care
Avoid heavy food.
Body work
Ayurvedic Body Work
Ayurveda body treatments facilitate and support the stillness and natural purification during silent retreats. During retreats, the body deserves pampering and deep relaxation. Ayurveda massages have been used for centuries to bring the body to total regeneration and balance.
Practitioner in Quebec Retreat.
RMT and Ayurvedic Practitioner.- Sebastian Peralta

Treatments are available on Friday and Saturday.
Abhyanga Massage: $ 100.00
Extend your fall ayurvedic purification for five days;
$ 600.00
Practitioner in Alberta Retreat
RMT and Ayurvedic Practitioner- Sebastian Peralta

One-hour treatments are available on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.
1.- Book 5 days ayurvedic purification: $ 590.00
2.- 1 Bodywork: $120.00
3.- 2 Bodywork: $ 220.00
Please pre-register for this service. It is very popular, and we have limited space.
” What a pleasurable weekend ! I feel totally revitalized and refreshed after my short time here. Retreat can be a bit intimidating at times- leaving the comfort of home for a break in a total silence, knowing that I have to see parts of myself that I did not want to see…..but the serenity and rest are incomparable, better that the best of spas.”
Read and see the teachings
Sutra: The unreality of Pain
The seeker must be aware of the reality of his pain and the unreality of his pain (invented). When this awareness is steady, the seeker has the opportunity to detach from the coping persona. The coping persona brings the seeker down into an eternal duality, giving him...
Sutra: The real confidence
The self-confidence of the seeker is not the self-confidence of the average man. The average man seeks certainty in the eyes of the onlooker and calls that self-confidence. The seeker seeks impeccability in his own eyes and that humbleness. The average man is hooked...
Sutra: The freedom of impeccability
The only freedom seekers have is to be impeccable, to behave impeccable. Not only impeccability is freedom: it is the only way to straighten the human form. The seeker must be impeccable in their availability to drop what is not real, in that way the entrapment of...