30 days Online Retreat: The Breath of Belonging
This retreat invites seekers willing to explore the different facets of belonging in an intimate and practical way. During this course, audios will be placed on your desk 3 times a week for you to watch, listen and meditate. Your commitment of 15 to 30 minutes a day will educate your willpower and your inner direction towards belonging. Inspiring Satsangs with Berdhanya combined with comments shared by some expert students of Berdhanya, brings your relationship with your core to its own natural infinity. Design for all levels of mystical understanding, this retreat is offered in a format which facilitates a deeper and personalizes a way of relating to your reality.
Recommended Starting date: Any full moon.
Price: $450.00
I only have deep gratitude for the in-depth comprehensive teachings that you have so lovingly shared with us. Although all the modules have contributed in establishing more understanding and settlement within my awareness on the dynamics of the structure of belonging, the one’s that struck me as having the most powerful impact on all the cells and atoms of my being was the Force of the Source and the module on internal and external actions. It is clear to me how I am contained by the Source and how I as being the Source contain others.
I felt totally sheltered by my own inner commitment and presence throughout the month program. My essence was sensitive to the strong energetic pull which you carried and represented as a constant vibration of affection, wholeness, and wisdom. For me to cross the threshold of awareness into the matrix of belonging is a heartfelt welcoming of diversity in all expressions and forms of life.
Everything in me vibrated a spiritual potency that I have never come across. All my parts were directed to this bigger location, but paradoxally this vaster location was where I was. And I refused to move out of that location until I could somehow express it.