Mystic Heart


This 215 pages book is a masterpiece of Berdhanya work. This work invites the reader to explore and unite the 3 aspects of the heart and to function in unity and compassion.

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mystic heart cover copyThe mystic heart is that unspeakable space where all life meets and thrives. It is a space beyond what we know and what we imagine to know. The mystic heart which arises as Life, Wisdom and Love copulates in the mysterious dance of the cosmic order. It is through this love affair that all comes into existence.

The mystic heart opens a wide spectrum of perception for our cosmology beyond the mind, but with the mind, beyond our humanness, but including our humanness. It is through the mystic heart that we realize what we know. It is here where we abandon all fear, all limitations and we give birth to the innate power of our countless creations. The mystic heart holds complex dynamics, history and stories; however, its simple and effortless presence allows us to locate the glory of our roles, lessons and empowerments.

The mystic heart has suffered much damage. Eons of abuse, manipulations and inflictions of fear have disempowered the mystic heart. It has been divided and forgotten. We humans are operating with less than a quarter of our heart. We have dumped the mind with its beliefs, limitations and perceptions of 3-D laws into the mystic heart, causing a very limited understanding of this magnificent organ.

The mystic heart had been absent from a conscious construction of our reality and has been oppressed by concepts of being in danger, being uncontrollable and impractical. It is now the time, as you read this book, to take the space to explore the facets, dynamics, anatomy and potentials of the unity of the most powerful part of our human life. It is time for the mystic heart to be healed, to be understood and to be nourished with our most tender love.

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Table of content of this book

Chapter One: The Little Heart


The five journeys of the mystic heart

  1. Love compassion and patience
  2. Forgiveness Fear and fortune
  3. The end of wellness
  4. Isolation, desolation and reconciliation.
  5. From fragmentation to unity.
  • Understanding fragmentation
  • The power of unity
  • Sings of fragmentation
  • Day to day fragmentation
  • Subconscious fragmentation
  • Fragmentation by regrets and fantasies
  • Other forms of fragmentation
  • Fragmentation has consequences
  • Coming out of fragmentation
  • Entering into the big heart

Anatomy of the mystic heart

The 3 rings of the mystic heart

Diagram 1 the 3 Powers of Creation

  • Ego, personality and alchemy
  • Conscious, subconscious and unconscious
  • Little heart, karmic heart, illuminated heart

Diagram 2 the 3 rings of the power of Love.

The little heart.

Accept what it is

Messy creations: the little Self

The dramas of the little heart

  1. Chronic power
  2. Prickle pride
  3. The struggle to connect
  4. Doubt the Cold Edge of Judgment
  5. Commotion: the Destroyer of Creative Actions.
  6. Flammable Dissatisfaction
  7. Shame and attract-ability

3 Tools to support the little heart.

  1. Equanimity.
  • 11 steps to walk toward equanimity.
  1. Meditation
  2. Self- inquire.


The End of Your Stories

Places of contemplation from chapter one

Chapter Two:The Karmic Heart ( Middle heart)

  • Mapping and interactions.
  • Expanding our view.
  • Personality one partner with the karmic heart.

A Glimpse of the Karmic Heart Anatomy

Diagram 3

The Softness of Salvation

Creating Consequences

  • The Voice of Consequences
  • The Law of the Heart
  • Creating Consequences from the Little Heart

The Conversation between the Little Heart and the Karmic Heart

The Anatomy of Salvation

The 3 Flows of the Karmic Heart

The Karmic Heart’s Secret Wisdom

A little Taste of the Chambers of the Karmic Heart.

The Eight Chambers of the Karmic Heart

  1. Chamber – Council of Angels (East)
  2. 2nd Chamber – Council of Celebration (West)
  3. 3rd Chamber – The Council of Darkness (Southeast)
  4. 4th The Chamber of Karma
  5. 5th Chamber of Incarnation (North)
  • Introduction
  • Our form on earth
  • The laws of incarnation
  • Types of incarnation
  • Descension to Earth through the 12 Rays

6.-The Council (Chamber) of the Demons (South)

7.-The Council of Service

8.-Council of Buffoons

Natural Heart Beat

Places of Contemplation from chapter 2

Chapter Three: The illuminated heart

  • Compassion, the guidance force of the illuminated heart.
  • A place of mastery
  • Frequency of the illuminated heart.
  • Sit back and remember
  • The 12 rays of the illuminated heart.
  • The 12 rays and our origins.
  • Constructing the mandala of the 12 rays
  • As inside so outside.
  • Diagram 4

Preparing for the journey

  1. Path is a form of emptiness
  • 5 steps to De-mystify emptiness
  1. Multidimensionality and Embodiment
  • What do we embody?
  • The Anatomy of embodiment
  1. Ceremonies and the Power of Intention
  2. The Power of Intention
  • Any intention creates tension
  • Attention creates awareness
  • True relaxation unfolds your natural self
  • Intentions and Karma

Get out of the Loop

Activating the Illuminated Heart

1.-Qualify yourself

2.-Respect all forms of life.

3.-Serve all forms of life.

4. Utilize all forms of life.

Defining the Matrix of the Illuminated Heart

The sky orders

  1. The order of the sacred heart
  2. The masters of Impeccability
  3. The order of Merlin
  4. The order of St. Germaine
  5. The order of the Essenes
  6. The order of the Druids
  7. The Order of Melchisedeck

The earth orders

  1. The order of the goddesses
  2. The order of the sages and genies.
  3. The realm of fluids
  4. The realm of realms
  5. The order of sage woman.

Every day living with the 12 rays.

5 contributions from the 12 rays

  • Practical contributions
  • Informative contributions
  • Healing contributions
  • Transformative contributions
  • Co-creator contributions

The 2 Virtues of the cosmology of the illuminated heart

  1. The Virtue of Justice – Let the Truth Prevail
  • Maturing Justice.
  • 5. Steps toward Inner Justice
  1. The Virtue of Life
  • “Soundlight”, Spienal Organ (pronounced Speenal) and right Perception
  • Shamanic Vision
  • The Virtue of Life and the Play of the Goddesses
  • Identification and Creation
  • Attributes of the Goddesses
  • A call from earth; a projection to the stars

The Rhapsody of Soundlight

  • Understanding Soundlight
  • Attributes of Soundlight
  • The Mystic Heart Rhapsody
  • Alignment the Creator of Light
  • Types of Alignments

Places of contemplation from chapter 3

Chapter Four: Appendix

  • Yoga to awake the Spineal organ.
  • Daily practice to align the mystic heart. Teachings from the council of Unity.


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