Be me Be here


44 color pages Book

Daily Yoga and meditation practice for children.

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yoga for childrenThis sweet Yoga book is fully illustrated with evocative and inspiring 44 color images to supply children with a daily yoga practice. An engaging story invites the child to be confidence in having earth experiences as well as remembering where they come from. This book is suitable to 5 to 10 years old children.

A few guiding pages are dedicate to parents and educators to work with yoga, meditation and children. This book is born out of Berdhanya 15 years of experience of working with children.

Complement this book with the course: Guilt free motherhood.

What this book is about?

The story and images in this book may sound fantastic to the adult mind. However, for a child they belong to the realm of truth and provide food for the soul. It depicts the journey of descent to Earth, with all the tests and requirements involved. It is a story of preparation and empowerment. It is a story that each human being on Earth has gone through, with the various stages that occur, a journey where we meet our spiritual parents, pass through guides and helpers, and acquire a physical form. The journey includes the choices the soul makes about what to learn on Earth during the process.

These rich images and iconography are chosen to stimulate the child’s cellular memory so he or she can experience the Realm of Being. This utilizes the natural ability of the child to expand images and to decorate them with their own memories, associations, and environmental frames of reference. It also impacts positively the growth of the child. This book is divided into two sections: the knowledge and the practical aspects. My suggestion is to read to the child the short stories, or chapters, and allow a break from one day to another. This creates a time of silence that allows the child to make personal contributions and ask questions. If that is not possible, you can take a break between stories. You can also ask the child about his or her views on the story. This gives shape to his or her imagination and makes it more real for him or her.

The second part of the book is a 40-day guideline of daily yoga practice. Each exercise lasts between one to three minutes, for a 15-minute daily practice. I suggest getting the child familiar with a calendar, where he or she can mark daily accomplishments until the 40 days are completed. Why 40 days? because this is the length of time that the bioenergetic structure of the child (physical, emotional, and mental bodies) needs to shift and grow. Tell the child that if he or she misses a day, the process has to start again from the beginning. As a facilitator, place more emphasis on the daily discipline rather than on performance or the perfection of yoga poses. This sense of continuity is most valuable for discipline and consolidation. Therefore, I suggest that you emphasize commitment to daily self-empowerment rather than good the poses and exercises.

Although the set is intended as a complete practice, you can divide the physical aspect in the morning, and do the affirmations in the afternoon if necessary. You can make a photocopy of the set and post it in the child’s room, beside the calendar. This is a friendly reminder, and helps them to remember the steps. If you feel adventurous you can also record instructions for each exercise and allow the child to do it only with the verbal prompts.

This yoga set, suitable to children 4 to 10 years of age is meant to purify and fortify the child’s natural ability to feel secure, kind, relaxed, and flexible. These yoga sets is not meant to be a chore but a playful complement to the child’s fun.

In the last section of the book, find other inspirational meditations you can do with children as well as guidelines to work with children. I hope that you, as I did during my years of teaching yoga to children, get to witness how the child’s heart maintains stamina, openness, and meets the challenges and initiations that life will inevitably present. In Service, Berdhanya

Table of content

Guidelines for Parents and Educators 1

Working with Children 3 The Story of SAT and NAM 6 Centering Meditation 15 Leaving for School 17 Times at L’Époque 19 The Law of Return 20 The Law of Opposites 21 The Law of Change 22

I’m Me, I’m Here: A Daily Practice for Children 24

The Brain Blender 25 The Powers of the Wind 27 Ishtiak 29 The Shining Star 31 The AUM Sound 32 The Squeezing of the Belly 33 The Silly Shaking 34 The Flapping of the Wings 35 The Balance Game 36 The Tip of the Mountain 37 The Cat and the Cow 38 The Giggling Fingers 39 Finding the Big Toes 40 The Big Twist 41 Walking in the Air 42 The Big Rest 43 The Big Toe Touches the Ears 44 Squeezing the Eyes 45 The Strength Game 46 Arrival on Earth 49 My Yoga and Meditation Time 50 Calendar – My 40-day Yoga Journey 51 Chart – Every-day Yoga 52

Other Meditations 53 I Am 54 Throw-Things-Out 54 Walking Inside the Circle 55 Touching Like Feather 55

Meditation Tips 55



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E-book, Printed Copy


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