Coming up Programs
January 14 2025 first class
Meditation and self-initiation is the title of our 7-week meditation program for winter 2025. It supplies the tools, understanding, and group interactions to manage and practice self-initiations. Expect daily practice, weekly meetings online with Berdhanya, group conversations and 7 videos of teachings.

Online Moon Circle
The monthly moon ceremonies will align your biology, emotions, and mind with the clarity of the teachings of each cycle of our planet. This program supplies a pranaontology practice you can do during the month, teachings about earth probabilities and meditation.
Monthly Online Empowerments
In 2025, intensives focus on the personal and planetary balance of masculine energies. Each month we select a theme of exploration. The program includes breathwork, yoga, enquire, shamanic readings and personal guidance.
We have offered transformational programs for over 35 years.
Journeys and Retreats 2025 and 2026
You want to take this retreat to generate your cellular information with the science of Ayurveda, breathontology, yoga and meditation.; you are embracing indian cultural and healing traditions, revive to a new life!

The theme of this retreat aligned the personal and planetary sacred womb with the vibrations of this land and it ancient civilizations. Our 10 days journey explore sacred cities and sites.

Genesis and second chakra regeneration is a journey through powerful sacred places in the Sierra Nevada of Colombia and Cartagena. We practice medicinal songs we rest, recreate and reborn.- Small gorup.

This retreat practices ancient earth spirituality to celebrate, purify and update our human role. We practice voice, dancing, lodge and earth teachings.
Berdhanya is the author of 14 books in 3 languages.
Her books support the seeker with a recompilation of her lectures, articles and sutras. Each book is truly a mystic gem that anyone interested in self-realization will surely enjoy.
The 7 Qualities of the feminine
These teachings were explored under the topic of Contemplation and Enlightenment as Feminine (May 2017). The 7 Qualities of the Feminine The 7 qualities of the feminine are: Reception Reflection Volume/Magnification of the information; Expansiveness Fill up the light...
Love: a Painful awakening
The Laws of Human Love We are born out of love; we live and grow because of love. We seek love and we long for love. For us, love is always an incomplete phenomenon. We need to understand this principle of incompleteness to feel peace and to stop thinking about...
Dissolving into infinity
“Dissolving and being reborn in the infinite moment is the ultimate purification and expression of life and love.” To understand dissolution, I can give you the image of the moment where the drop of water turns to ice (or vice versa). In this process, the element of...
Ayurvedic Healing / SPA
Meet our Ayurvedic Doctor and ayurvedic practitioners to sustain a balanced life.
5 Reasons why shirodhara is the treatment for the brain
Ayurvedic bodywork is an ancient and powerful tool for bringing body, mind, and soul into harmonious balance. While traditional Swedish massage works primarily on the physical level, Ayurvedic bodywork address multiple layers of your being. From exfoliating dead skin...
[:es]Pudín de chocolate vegano[:]
[:es]Sólo necesitas 5 ingredientes y 5 minutos para preparar este pudding de chocolate vegano. Puedes añadirle tus diferentes nueces o frutas preferidas como decoración. INGREDIENTES 1/4 taza deleche de arroz (62 g) 1/2 taza de cacao en polvo sin azúcar (50 g) 1/2...
[:es]Consejos ayurvédicos para un invierno balanceado[:]
[:es]Cuando nos damos cuenta que el medio ambiente interior y exterior trabajan bajo una misma ley natural, podemos prevenir excesos que producen desbalance. Con el Invierno llega el frío y los cambios no sólo suceden en el ambiente, sino también en nuestros 4 cuerpos...