the 9 emotions and the 6 steps of their evolution Coming to terms with where our emotional body is really at through self-contemplation is a window for inner self acceptance. When we embrace self acceptance we can then flourish with a new possibility of emotional and...
Transcending the unsolving tensions of the mind. The mind is in constant anxiety When we understand that the mind have a deep existential anxiety we can start relaxing about that fundamental tension that can not be solve. We need to know and point in our process of...
Transcending stillness. The center of our stillness is just a transitional space to be dwelling in. This space of stillness should not be seen as something to be achieved, or, to be the goal of our spiritual experience. The space of stillness should not be used as a...
doubt and awareness Debility of being is born out of doubt. Doubt makes you fearful, vulnerable and uncertain. As we doubt our capabilities we hinder our potentials. We think and believe in the “ I can nots”, the “ maybes”, and the “ I won’t knows”. By doubting our...
Seva the platform for self-dissolution I was really blessed to have teachers who taught me service as the first thing to learn. I didn’t know anything else. There was no yoga, time for myself, breath or comfort things; it was all about service. One of the first...
SHA: The gesture of your naturalness I am who I am, so be it . This simple statement is what we constantly sabotage with the nonsense in our minds that keeps us wanting to be contained, either in the past that is gone or in the fantasies of our future. All what we...