Infinite consciousness plays and delights itself as it takes diverse forms. Form is and retains infinite consciousness. As the seeker comes into existence on Earth, they will meet and undergo the laws of transfiguration from non-form into form. The seeker’s...
The universe exist as both real and unreal. The seeker, free of duality unites them, transcend them and is therefore both of them. The seeker understand that the universe is manifested consciousness, and that the unmanifest universe is consciousnesses. The seeker that...
Our capacity for perception is given based on our capability to learn, organize and discriminate truth from the untruth. Perception can come from the senses or through subtle revelation. Your perception opens a reality for you to dwell in. If you perceive life as...
Satsang on interventions The biggest test then, is not to intervene. We are trained to intervene in every single thought we have, every feeling we have and every perception we have. This imposition, this effort, immediately creates a force of attachment. It...
What do we really need to realize oneself? This is a delicate and necessary question for the seeker to put into perspective, as there is a vast amount of information now available promoting different paths for self-realization. The sincere seeker needs to decide in a...
Being born of doubt is a great debility. Your doubt makes you fearful, vulnerable and uncertain. When we doubt, we open the door to fear, and our worst fears get activated. Once that happens, the self is paralyzed, like a deer in headlights. Most of our doubts are...