Namaste, and welcome to class. This class will explore tools for the inner leader to be neutral. I want to give you the different breaths you can use in your daily practice and life. Use this technique when the head is busy, the mind is overactive, and you know you...
Ceremonies are the science of miracles, alignments and devotion. It is a higher expression and a sophisticated tool of gratitude and inner mastery. They are five forces that, when in alignment, move the heavens and the Earth. When in alignment, the five pranas produce...
Breathontology (or pranaontology) is an art and science that uses the power of awareness of the breath to support balance and well-being. At its core, Breathontology uses awareness and the breath as a tool to reprogram life force energy using specific breathing...
The Buddhist notion of non-attachment relates to an engagement with experience with flexibility and without fixation on achieving specified outcomes. The law of detachment indicates that we must renounce our attachment to things, which does not mean that we abandon...
Train as a breathontologist Shiva Swarodaya is an ancient Sanskrit tantric text. A comment and translation termed Satyananda Saraswati made Swara yoga in 1983. It is also termed “Phonetical astrology”: the “sound of one’s own breath” and...
An assumption is the result of incomplete or distorted information. They can also be caused by a lack of inquiry about the facts that lead to having an idea that does not correspond with the factual truth of a circumstance or of the self. Any mental assumption feeds...