Prickly Pride Pride comes in many forms and in many flavors; however it is very predictable when it is in a form of any resistance in our lives. Pride may come in a gross way, very evident to the seeker. It is evident in the attitude or internal conversations that...
The struggle to connect With all your head stories, sad stories or happy stories there is a desire to connect, to fulfill the sense of belonging and to be part of a pack which welcomes you. The true desire of the heart is to be involved and to connect. This...
Commotion: The Destroyer of Creative Actions When any of the stories that you form in your head touch the emotional body you start to spin with commotion. The intertwining of the mind and the emotional body really produce the type of perception you choose to have. If...
Flammable Dissatisfaction The heart is the source of all lasting pleasure, of all contentment and all luminosity. The energy of the heart is the most powerful in existence, is the form of all and also is not in form. It is in the movement of matter and in the...
Mashy Movements There are pure movements or actions and there are useless movements. The pure movements originate when they are initiated out of the knowing of the compassionate heart. The pure movement dissolves any thought, any impossibility, any fear and any doubt....
The little heart The little heart is the way to perceive and experience the density on earth. It perceives reality in a narrow way and in a personal way. In a way the little heart doesn’t understand the dynamics of earth and follows the advice of our self- interested...