Affection toward the self, caring for what we appreciate inside of ourselves and announcing our skills to the world is self -esteem. Self-appreciation or valuing the self under any action or circumstance is self-esteem. Cruelty towards the self is not to provide...
By Matthew Cosgrove Excerpt from His Book The altar of the Initiative The Altar of the Initiate draws on the ancient teachings of the seven directions to cast insight into life’s higher purposes, stages and true meanings of the initiations that life provides. Why are...
By Berdhanya The body is a collection of memories; it gathers information in every instant, not only from what we touch, see and hear but also from our relationships and internal tendencies. The aura or the electromagnetic field is a fluctuating combination of...
The stealer of life flow These last two weeks, I have been exposed to the subtle effects that the mind has over the flow of consciousness. It was in a meditation class experiencing a union of pure listening and active presence, and was exposed to the difference...
the 9 emotions and the 6 steps of their evolution Coming to terms with where our emotional body is really at through self-contemplation is a window for inner self acceptance. When we embrace self acceptance we can then flourish with a new possibility of emotional and...
Transcending the unsolving tensions of the mind. The mind is in constant anxiety When we understand that the mind have a deep existential anxiety we can start relaxing about that fundamental tension that can not be solve. We need to know and point in our process of...