[:es]Pudín de chocolate vegano[:]

[:es]Pudín de chocolate vegano[:]

[:es]Sólo necesitas 5 ingredientes y 5 minutos para preparar este pudding de chocolate vegano. Puedes añadirle tus diferentes nueces o frutas preferidas como decoración. INGREDIENTES 1/4 taza deleche de arroz (62 g) 1/2 taza de cacao en polvo sin azúcar (50 g) 1/2...
[:es]Consejos ayurvédicos para un invierno balanceado[:]

Balanced winter with Ayurveda

When winter is at your window, it is time to remember a few ayurvedic tips that will allow your energy to enjoy a balanced and energetic few months. Winter is a Vatta season, meaning your air element will increase causing dryness, cold and ungrounding...
Blissful traveling with Ayurveda

Blissful traveling with Ayurveda

When you’re excited to spend a day in an exotic city across the ocean, it’s easy to forget the 6 or 7 hours that you’ll need to spend compressed in an airplane, sharing your breath with 150 other humans and eating microwaved airplane food. At times, we may feel...