Vidhura Marma is related to the ear and the ear functions. It is composed of important middle ear structures, including the tympanic membrane, ear ossicles (tiny bones in the middle ear) and the Eustachian tube. These structures take part in the conduction, modulation...
Unlike Sun Salutations, which are heating and stimulating, Moon Salutations are cooling and quieting. They are used to calm the mind and draw your awareness inward. Moon Salutations are useful when energy or temperatures are high and a tranquil, quiet presence is...
Alignment of personal resonance with the flow of creation can be induced by daily practice. The science of alignment resonance generally has three steps: 1.- Hear your internal resonance. 2.- Hear your external resonance. 3.- Hear the cosmic resonance. 4.- Use a sound...
The understanding of the location of your concentration produces biological reactions and enhances emotional and mental natural qualities. The space between the eyebrows is known as Ajna chakra or Sthapani marma. It is 1/2 anguli ( finger unit) in size, and its health...
By Dr. Shishir Prasad MS (Shalya Tantra) | Associate Professor (Gurukul Kangri- Haridwar) | President NASYA-Uttarakhand Avarta marma is one of the Shirogata marmas, which are located in the head and neck region. It is a vital marma having its relationship with the...
In Ayurvedic medicine, marma points are anatomical locations in your body where a concentration of life energy exists. Marma points are said to contain the three doshas: Vata (air and space), kapha (earth and water), pitta (fire and water) a Marma point is a junction...