Namaste, and welcome to class. This class will explore tools for the inner leader to be neutral. I want to give you the different breaths you can use in your daily practice and life. Use this technique when the head is busy, the mind is overactive, and you know you are out of neutrality. This technique helps you to get back to point zero. Going back to zero means returning to the moment where you can assess yourself for what you are rather than what your ego is taking you.
This lesson has the pre-requisite to know what the ego is and how it operates.
Many seekers have been here for years and still don’t grasp what and how the ego operates until they have a crisis. Then, they really have it in front of their noses. With overwhelming feelings, you are not able to zoom out of the ego; it takes you on a ride. Have you had that experience? Now, this is not a bad thing. In crisis, you always have the opportunity to transmute the pain into awareness, into transcending your ego’s sense of grasping and rejecting.
Ego and prana
Right, so number one, the ego always takes charge of your prana. You know what that is? It takes charge of your life force and disrupts your breathing. The basis of pranaontology is to restore the prana that had been disturbed and stolen by the ego. All the practices we do are to restore the prana in different organs and bodies so you can reclaim the life force that the ego takes from your original breath to exist.
1.- Councious breath
The first techniques only require awareness. So, for that, there is the simple Consciousness of breath. When you take a breath in, ask yourself who is breathing. Is it my fear? Is it the one who feels rejected? Is it the one who wants to impress? Is it the one who wants attention? Or it’s just simply the celebration that I am alive. I am alive, and this is the gift—the sense of gratitude and the sense of “I am here breathing.”
Reclaim: This is my breath. This is one simple technique related to Consciousness. You don’t need to take time for it.
You need to be conscious of your breath. Remember that you are unconscious every time that you react.
Every time you react, the ego takes prana to exist and to animate a reality that doesn’t exist. The reality of the ego says, “Oh, I need to be better.” “Oh, I need to fix this.” I need to be a better partner. I need to be a better thing. I have made mistakes. All that is bullshit, and all that need life force to exist, and that life force is your breath. So, breathing consciously is key to being neutral. You are neutral as you breathe for what it is or where you are.
That’s it. You don’t need to play a mind game, thinking you need to charge it now with love or gratitude—nothing. It’s just right now. The breath. It could be any breath—belly breath, your thigh breath, humming breath. Nasal breath. Mouth breath. It doesn’t matter because you don’t realize, sweethearts, that your potent awareness and insight direct the energy. You don’t need anything else: only Consciousness and awareness.
2.- Stopping the mind flow
If the first technique doesn’t work because your head is so crowded with pain, loops or whatever hormonal state you are in. You have another choice. The tool you can use is to stop breathing.
Follow this:
1.-You take a breath
2. Stop the breath for as long as you can. Without harming your lungs. Do not get to the explosive moment; just hold until it is comfortable.
3.- Then you exhale
4.- and you stop the breath out as long as you can.
You’re empty again.
5.- Inhale conscious breath that resonates with the now.
You can repeat this 3 times.
With this exercise, you reboot the computer. Your last breath must be taken in awareness.
See, when we’re stressed, we naturally tend to block the prana. In fear, we stop breathing. We stop the life force. We want to get into emptiness, into a reboot, into a reprogramming.
We try to reset the system again. But because it’s not with Consciousness, we miss the opportunity to propel ourselves to a space of bliss.
Tap into that space of emptiness. That space of nothingness. Right? So you consciously stop the breath in.
Holding the breath in means getting it in and saying, “Okay, I retain everything.” Retaining is simply accepting that that’s where your breath is. And holding my breath out means ” I accept my emptiness, rebirth. Exercise to be empty again and again. And in the next breath, you are conscious, aware again.
So with that you’re breaking the tendency of the ego to grasp your life force and make it his own in order to exist. Remember the ego is like an entity. It’s like a ghost that we honor up and we give energy to exist.
But if we manage the energy, the ego will go, “Oh, ma, I’m suffocating. I cannot exist.” Yes, obviously. But you’re aware that you’re cutting the cords to your ego.
3.- Change the flow of Swara ( Prana flow)
The third thing you can do is to know which nostril is active when you’re in a panic. So for that, you put your finger under your nose. Notice the flow of air in the exhalation in each nostril. One is more than the other. If you are not neutral, you will notice one nostril with more prana than the other.
When you are neutral, and we’ll check after our practice today, you will see that both nostrils have equal or close exhaling. That means you are neutral. You are not polarized, either in grasping or rejection, either in male or female, not in the victim, not in the tragedy of control. So you check that next, you cover the nostrils, which have more energy. You cover it and breathe only through the nostril, which has less power. Make the breath active.
This means you change your swara; you shift the nadi. If you feel victimized, you probably will breathe more through your left side. So change it to the right side. This is a positive action.
The opposite is possible as well. You may breathe strongly through your right nostril, so your male energy is more active. You want control, anger, territory, and revenge. If that is the case, cover the right nostril and breathe only actively through the left nostril.
So you change swara. You breathe in for a few minutes, then inhale. You stop, and you exhale through the opposite nostril nostril.
4.- Learn to relax
Changing the swara is a potent and effective technique. Complement the practice with relaxation. Learning to relax would help.
This means changing from the active part of your life, direction, and intuition and putting yourself at zero. Each of us has a different way of relaxing. Some prefer to go in nature. Some prepare good food. Some talk to a friend.
But the practice you’re gonna experience today is about training your nervous system to relax by disengaging from the ego agitation or the mind agitation. Did it sound like a good plan? Learning to relax to be neutral. Remember, the ego doesn’t like you to relax. Because when you are relaxed, he or she has no life force. They have no drama to feed from.
Deep relaxation is not only in the body. Relaxation, deep relaxation, is the disengagement of your traumatic self and all the pain that comes with it. That’s true relaxation.
Imagine your ego as that person who is constantly nagging you. Give me amenity, attention, worries, competition, and insecurities. Give me something new to entertain myself, a new relationship, a new attachment, a new threat. It’s a bully, but because we’ve adapted to it, we think it’s normal and okay. Now, it is not about controlling the ego; it is about eradicating the unreality version of yourself so you can breathe and live.
And that is the real work of the seeker. And the best murder technique is by depriving his prana. You don’t give prana.
Not in the form of a thought. Not in action. Not in communication, identification, or creating a better future in your mind. Not in fantasies. You don’t give prana. You don’t give emotions.
You don’t believe what your mind tells you, and then you don’t react to its threats. In the case of no reaction, the leader is neutral. The inner leader test is to pass through the energy of all those voices with his prana intact. The inner leader is not only neutral but wise; he knows that any experiences you are living are not going to destroy your existence. The leader teaches you to cross; a warrior leads you to eternal prana, the always existing self, the unbreakable, the always uncorrupted, always present and always pure. Always joyful. That’s you. That’s your nature.
When you are extracted from the field of the ego, the leader is victorious. You are, then, a spiritual warrior. Today, we’ll practice all these prana techniques to teach you how to relax and tap into your infinite presence.