
[:es]Las 5 terapias del Panchakarma ( purificación ayurvédica)[:]

[:es]Las 5 terapias del Panchakarma ( purificación ayurvédica)[:]

[:es]Existe un conjunto de tratamientos eficaces para purificar, desintoxicar y rejuvenecer el organismo: el Panchakarma. Es el método tradicional de la Medicina Ayurveda que limpia de toxinas el cuerpo y la mente, otorgándole salud y vitalidad. El fortalecimiento del...

[:es]El impacto de las estaciones en el equilibrio ayurvédico[:]

[:es]El impacto de las estaciones en el equilibrio ayurvédico[:]

[:es]Cada estación del año en el Ayurveda  nos dirige naturalmente hacia el equilibrio natural de nuestro cuerpo y mente a través de la visión yóguica de la vida, que permite una percepción directa de la realidad, que nos muestra como en cada estación del año se...

[:es]5 rituales en Ayurveda para vivir en equilibrio[:]

[:es]5 rituales en Ayurveda para vivir en equilibrio[:]

[:es]Ayurveda cuyo significado es “ciencia de la vida“, es uno de los modos de sanación naturales más completos y antiguos de cuantos se conocen en el mundo. Es una forma de comprender la mente, el cuerpo y el espíritu como partes que completan la persona. La medicina...

The Power of Affection

The Power of Affection

You can make love to your partner, embrace your children, write poems or give presents to the ones in your circle of love, but the transmission of affection won’t be complete or fully satisfied until you add 3 ingredients: presence, interest and curiosity. Presence:...

Sutra: The friend of the seeker

Sutra: The friend of the seeker

The seeker must be prepared to be content with his own solitude, to make himself his own best friend and to dwell in that space as the only shelter of his creation.

Interventions and Effortlessness

Interventions and Effortlessness

(From Silent Retreat, May 2018) In your process of introspection, it’s natural that you pass through the body of the mind and it’s also natural that you would like to get rid of the mind or to pacify yourself from the pain of thinking. If we approach the mind from the...

The Psychological Self  and the stamina of the heart

The Psychological Self and the stamina of the heart

Notes from the Intensive, May 2018 in Wakefield What is stamina? Stamina is endurance. While the practice makes you sensible, sensitive and perceptive, the persona will throw stuff at you stuff: doubts, interventions, transformational things, fear, conversations of...

The 5 Gates to Humbleness

The 5 Gates to Humbleness

We are on Earth to cultivate humbleness and to reclaim the life force as our master. Our experiences are a doorway to humbleness, as we learn to belong to the moment without judgement, resistance or struggle. When we release and extract the life force from our...

Ayurvedic tips for a balanced summer

Ayurvedic tips for a balanced summer

According to ayurveda, the qualities of summer are hot, sharp, and penetrating. That’s why our pitta dosha—the subtle energy that controls metabolism and can cause us to overheat—tends to flare up when the temperatures rise. Pitta-related imbalances include sunburn,...

[:es]Recomendaciones Ayurvedicas para refrescarnos en verano[:]

[:es]Recomendaciones Ayurvedicas para refrescarnos en verano[:]

[:es] El calor ambiental naturalmente incrementa el Pitta Dosha causando los malestares relacionados como son los dolores de cabeza, la fatiga, inflamaciones, mareos y desmayos. Estos sintomas se pueden tratar con descanso en un lugar fresco, hidratación y consumir...

Sutra: the identity of the seeker

Sutra: the identity of the seeker

The seeker is the individual who decides to be himself no matter what. This is possible by constantly dialling into his own wisdom and by listening to his inner knowing. Like an artist, the wisdom must be expressed boldly, all the while maintaining the vision that he...

Sutra: The intelligence of the seeker

Sutra: The intelligence of the seeker

The intelligence of the seeker dwells in the valour he places in confronting the interventions he uses to avoid, control or delight himself in his own will. The recognition of a false will liberates a true passion for his natural self, for life and his race. When the...

Sutra: The unreality of Pain

Sutra: The unreality of Pain

The seeker must be aware of the reality of his pain and the unreality of his pain (invented). When this awareness is steady, the seeker has the opportunity to detach from the coping persona. The coping persona brings the seeker down into an eternal duality, giving him...

The simple choice to be with the other

The simple choice to be with the other

The first thing that I want to mention is the innate power that we all have to create form; this is a divine attribute and we all share that quality of the Source. Imagine this innate power to create form as an organ embedded in all 12 bodies of your structure of...
