
The Call to Respect the Power of a Woman’s Moon Cycle

The Call to Respect the Power of a Woman’s Moon Cycle

As women, we are privileged to have a natural cycle that gives us the ability to understand two important aspects of life: activities that are constructive, creative and expanding;  and those that call us to go within, to reflect, and to renew ourselves. What Modern...

The 7 Qualities of the feminine

The 7 Qualities of the feminine

These teachings were explored under the topic of Contemplation and Enlightenment as Feminine (May 2017). The 7 Qualities of the Feminine The 7 qualities of the feminine are: Reception Reflection Volume/Magnification of the information; Expansiveness Fill up the light...

Love: a Painful awakening

Love: a Painful awakening

The Laws of Human Love We are born out of love;  we live and grow because of love. We seek love and we long for love. For us, love is always an incomplete phenomenon. We need to understand this principle of incompleteness to feel peace and to stop thinking about...

Dissolving into infinity

Dissolving into infinity

“Dissolving and being reborn in the infinite moment is the ultimate purification and expression of life and love.” To understand dissolution, I can give you the image of the moment where the drop of water turns to ice (or vice versa). In this process, the element of...

5 Reasons why shirodhara is the treatment for the brain

5 Reasons why shirodhara is the treatment for the brain

Ayurvedic bodywork is an ancient and powerful tool for bringing body, mind, and soul into harmonious balance. While traditional Swedish massage works primarily on the physical level, Ayurvedic bodywork address multiple layers of your being. From exfoliating dead skin...

The facts of Woman’s Self Worth

The facts of Woman’s Self Worth

Everything Rises or Falls in Accordance with Our Radiance I can honestly say that the efficiency, happiness, and health of my family, friends, and business have a direct correlation with my self-evaluation. In my experience, any time that I have failed to fully...

The gate of obedience

The gate of obedience

The most delicate passage for the seeker is to surrender their own will without being submissive to an invented outer authority (god, teacher, community). The construction of an outside authority has an intimate relationship with the choice of being a victim as a way...

Are you useful?

Are you useful?

You are only useful when you have disappeared. You are only relevant and impactful to the world when the “I” is no longer relevant. When you are just awareness and nobody, full of light and emptiness, you are useful.

Inner Ceremonies

Inner Ceremonies

  Satsang January 1st, 2019 I am really thrilled to have this theme on this day of the 1st (of January) because really without the inner ceremony we cannot advance anywhere. And it should be considered the first thing to do when we embark on any project. Like we...

[:es]Pudín de chocolate vegano[:]

[:es]Pudín de chocolate vegano[:]

[:es]Sólo necesitas 5 ingredientes y 5 minutos para preparar este pudding de chocolate vegano. Puedes añadirle tus diferentes nueces o frutas preferidas como decoración. INGREDIENTES 1/4 taza deleche de arroz (62 g) 1/2 taza de cacao en polvo sin azúcar (50 g) 1/2...

[:es]Consejos ayurvédicos para un invierno balanceado[:]

[:es]Consejos ayurvédicos para un invierno balanceado[:]

[:es]Cuando nos damos cuenta que el medio ambiente interior y exterior trabajan bajo una misma ley natural, podemos prevenir excesos que producen desbalance. Con el Invierno llega el frío y los cambios no sólo suceden en el ambiente, sino también en nuestros 4 cuerpos...

Balanced winter with Ayurveda

Balanced winter with Ayurveda

When winter is at your window, it is time to remember a few ayurvedic tips that will allow your energy to enjoy a balanced and energetic few months. Winter is a Vatta season, meaning your air element will increase causing dryness, cold and ungrounding...

Spiritual tantrum and the sense of being lost

Spiritual tantrum and the sense of being lost

On this occasion, I would like to point out a very soft spot within you that falsely thinks that you are not loved by God, that you are being abandoned and left alone like a child in the mysteries of the cosmic dangers. That false sense of being lost is truly...

Blissful traveling with Ayurveda

Blissful traveling with Ayurveda

When you’re excited to spend a day in an exotic city across the ocean, it’s easy to forget the 6 or 7 hours that you’ll need to spend compressed in an airplane, sharing your breath with 150 other humans and eating microwaved airplane food. At times, we may feel...
