[:es]Que es dosha en Ayurveda?[:]
[:es]"Dosha" es una palabra sánscrita que significa "culpa" ó "trasgresión". Mientras ésta es la traducción literal, en el contexto del cuidado de la salud seria mas apropiado traducir "Dosha" como las "fuerzas del cuerpo que se desequilibran más fácilmente". A través...
The Love of Creation
A striking truth pierces your heart when you realize that nature has always respected you, cared for you and directed you -- all the way through your inner journey. This great perfection and love from Creation overwhelms the heart with gratitude, destroying any little...
The human capacity to adapt, and to avoid pain had a counterpart that is dangerous because it has guided the mind to be unaware or uninformed about the truth of the human condition.
Planning your Panchakarma
For a short cleanse or a week of panchakarma you are requested to respect your body by giving it time and certain considerations. The more completely you can clear your schedule for the cleanse, the better. More importantly, pick a time when you can minimize your...
Choosing Ayurveda to Purify Your Body
Ayurveda is a transformational force and, as a healing system, it actually offers us a myriad of diverse therapeutic strategies to achieve positive change. It demonstrates to us that the proper knowledge and our self-commitment are the keys for responsive health. The...
Panchakarma; a save way to clean and rejuvenate the body.
By Dr. Nibodhi Hass One of the most important aspects of Ayurveda is the cleansing and rejuvenation program call panchakarma. Panchakarma is the cornerstone of ayuverdic management and disease. Pancha means “five” and karma means “action”. Panchakarma consist of five...
What is ayurveda?
What is Ayurveda? Ayurveda originated in India more than 5,000 years ago and is the oldest continuously practiced health-care system in the world. Drawn from an understanding of nature’s rhythms and laws, Ayurveda is built around the five elements of either earth,...
The grace of conducting
The Origins of Copper Copper comes from the Arcturus Constellation. This constellation holds the force of flow of mystic and psychic connections. When we talk about working with copper, we are referring to the unrefined, unformed copper. Natural copper serves as a...
I belong to you
The concept of community is not fixed. It is something that grows within us, as we expand our awareness and our heart`s capacity for compassion.
Creative Meditation
Creative meditations have the element of inspiration. Inspiration is an openness, and that openness is creative, spontaneous, aware, and alert to the flow of the unknown.
The stealer of life flow
These last two weeks, I have been exposed to the subtle effects that the mind has over the flow of consciousness. It was in a meditation class experiencing a union of pure listening and active presence, and was exposed to the difference between inner commands and the...
the 9 emotions and the 6 steps of their evolution
Coming to terms with where our emotional body is really at through self-contemplation is a window for inner self acceptance. When we embrace self acceptance we can then flourish with a new possibility of emotional and creative evolution. About the emotional body The...
Women: testimonial of love.
You may be an artist, a politician or an engineer, you may be tall or short, big or small, white or black, young or older; regardless of your outer qualities and appearances you remain a living heritage of the divine legacy. You are the carrier of life, power and...
Calling to be respected: Moon cycle power
We as women are privileged to have a natural cycle that gives us the ability to understand two important aspects of life. We can engage in activities that are constructive, creative and expanding and we can sense when we are called to internalize, reflect and renew...