
The Seven Directions of the Soul

The Seven Directions of the Soul

By Matthew Cosgrove Excerpt from His Book The altar of the Initiative The Altar of the Initiate draws on the ancient teachings of the seven directions to cast insight into life’s higher purposes, stages and true meanings of the initiations that life provides. Why are...

Ayurveda and the 3 types of Menopause

Ayurveda and the 3 types of Menopause

By Dr. Shamna Pradjith Womanhood is a great blessing and is, of course, a big responsibility. A woman passes through various life transitions including menarche, pregnancy, labour, breast-feeding, child nurturing and finally menopause. These phases are all part of...

5 Ayurvedic Treatments to Purify your Perception

5 Ayurvedic Treatments to Purify your Perception

By Isabela Blanchet Senses produce perceptions. Right perception of reality is the key to understand your life, your world and your inner freedom. – Berdhanya Swami Tierra Your five senses are the doorway to your reality. The way you perceive depends on how clean are...

Aura Cleansing: Only for Children?

Aura Cleansing: Only for Children?

By Berdhanya The body is a collection of memories; it gathers information in every instant, not only from what we touch, see and hear but also from our relationships and internal tendencies. The aura or the electromagnetic field is a fluctuating combination of...

The power of Silence

The power of Silence

A long time ago, before yoga, meditation and sacred technologies were used in modern society for health and well-being, those seeking inner liberation would go into the wildness and silence of nature to enquire about who they were and what was the true nature of...



By Dr.Shamna If you think your appetite has gone down, your tongue is coated, you feel little or no taste for food, or is disturbed by abdominal bloating and flatulence, you may need some digestive support. Here is an easy and tasty drink recipe/ cuisine from the land...

Earth and its Spiritual Teachings

Earth and its Spiritual Teachings

Experiences facilitate our spiritual awakening. Meditation organizes the brain to cope with and to distinguish the language and laws of the world of experiences. While we are in form, we need to realize we are bound to obey the dance of the five elements, their cycles...

Art: An Occasion for Spiritual Awakening

Art: An Occasion for Spiritual Awakening

It is no mystery that our modern society only uses ten percent of the human brain’s capacity. It still amazes me, knowing all that civilized humans have accomplished—flight, space-travel, wireless communication, organ transplants, cloning, powerful weapons, population...

[:es]Ayurveda, Características de la constitución aire[:]

[:es]Ayurveda, Características de la constitución aire[:]

[:es]En Ayurveda hay 3 constituciones båsicas, la contitución de aire ( vatta), la constitución de fuego ( pitta) y la constitución de tierra ( Kapha). Cada una tiene características físicas, emocionales y mentales. Hoy estudiemos estas caractrísticas en la...

4 ayurvedic tips for Fever, Common Cold and Cough

4 ayurvedic tips for Fever, Common Cold and Cough

By Dr. Shamna Prepare tea with 1 teaspoon dry ginger powder, half teaspoon black pepper powder, 8 -10 tulasi leaves, 3-4 cloves of garlic. All boiled in two glass of water reduced to one glass. Add some jaggery or honey. Drink this 2-3 times a day Prepare a mix of 5ml...

Ayurveda tips for puffy eyes

Ayurveda tips for puffy eyes

By Isabela Blanchet To avoid puffy and swollen eyes, reduce your intake of salt, MSG, aspartame, coffee, alcoholic beverages, as well as TV, computer and reading time. If your eyes are puffy: 1. With your ring fingers, make small circular movements clockwise, with...

Spiritual Awakening in Times of Personal Transitions

Spiritual Awakening in Times of Personal Transitions

Nature is loving to all of us at all times, especially when we consider our self in difficult times. When someone we love dies, when we are ill or simply when we are requested to move from one state of growth to another, nature is behind the movement. Nature is...

The three Spiritual Awakenings

The three Spiritual Awakenings

Inner awakening has many “facets” and many “regions” within and outside our cosmology. The seeker needs to be clear about these different regions in order to apply the correct understanding and required actions. Region One: All that facilitates experiences This region...
