
Relaxation as a State of Being

Relaxation as a State of Being

To properly understand relaxation, we need to understand “the who” that is relaxing. The different personas that we have adopted and are identified with cannot relax. They are attached to performance-based model, to “the right way” to be, or to the pursuit...

Neither Expressing Nor Suppressing

Neither Expressing Nor Suppressing

Over expressing or repressing spoils our creative communication In the process of communicating with our creativity we have the tendency to lose our centre, either by over expressing or by repressing. This is a phenomenon that needs to be understood in order to...

Purification of the 5 Senses and Your Aura with Ayurveda

Purification of the 5 Senses and Your Aura with Ayurveda

By Isabela Blanchet As white snow flakes gently gather on the ground once again today, we may forget the layers of dirt now hiding under it. In the same fashion, human beings have a tendency to want to see only their brightest side. However, we forget the darker parts...

[:es]Rasas: Los 6 sabores en ayurveda[:]

[:es]Rasas: Los 6 sabores en ayurveda[:]

[:es]Ayurveda nos da un cuadro de guía para saber cuales son los sabores que agravan o benefician a cada constitución (dosha). Cada alimento tiene un sabor (rasa), un efecto digestivo (viryas) y un efecto pos-digestivo ( vipaks). Cada sabor tiene una asociación con un...

[:es]Kichari (Sopa) para purificar todas las doshas[:]

[:es]Kichari (Sopa) para purificar todas las doshas[:]

[:es]La combinación de legumbres con granos hace una proteína liviana, fácil de digerir y propicia para fortalecer los tejidos en momentos de purificación. Hay muchos tipos de kicharis, todo depende de la verdura y especies que se le agreguen para dirigir los efectos...

Women: Testimonial of Love

Women: Testimonial of Love

You may be an artist, a politician or an engineer, you may be tall or short,big or small, white or black, young or older; regardless of your outer qualities and appearances you remain a living heritage of the divine legacy. You are the carrier of life, power and...

Spiritual Awakening and Paradoxes

Spiritual Awakening and Paradoxes

By Matthew Cosgrove There are seemingly endless, subtler and subtler layers of reality, so the images of The Archetypal mind, depending on which level they are from may vary or even conflict, but they are all true. This contributes to the paradoxes we encounter in the...

Spiritual paradoxes

Spiritual paradoxes

A Spiritual Paradox is where two seemingly contradictory truths can exist right next to each other and yet both be true. Living in a state of paradox is to allow the mind to accept its true role and position in the structure of being, in service to the Self....

Why have a daily practice for children?

Why have a daily practice for children?

Meditation facilitates a powerful and lasting connection to the quiet within. It gives the child the opportunity to establish equanimity, discernment and a profound relaxation in his/her nervous system.

Transcending the un-resolving tensions of the mind

Transcending the un-resolving tensions of the mind

The mind is in constant anxiety When we understand that the mind has a deep existential anxiety we can start relaxing about that fundamental tension that can not be solved. We need to know in our process of self-realization what to leave alone in order to alleviate...

Forgiveness fear and fortune

Forgiveness fear and fortune

By Berdhanya In the void of the heart are only stillness and a sensation of emptiness and nothingness. In the pure heart there is no movement, attachment or desire. There is a “non-interest” for the life of the world, yet a total interest in sharing Love. This is one...

Taking Care of your New Born with Ayurveda

Taking Care of your New Born with Ayurveda

By Dr. Shamna Prajith Children are the most beautiful blessing from God. A physically healthy and mentally sound child is also the biggest gift one could give to this world. They are the future of the nation, of society and of their family. It is very important that...

Dealing with the soft bliss of the heart

Dealing with the soft bliss of the heart

Sooner or later the seeker arrives at a place in which all in creation is reflected, felt and lived as a pure awareness. Tears naturally jump out of the eyes in this blissful, detached space of witnessing. It is a feeling of vulnerability; however, there is great...

Beating Dry Skin with this super foods Recipe

Beating Dry Skin with this super foods Recipe

By Isabela Blanchet One of the most common complaints during winter is related to dry skin, but dry skin can happen at any time of the year. Apart from the obvious moisturizing solution, look at your diet for added help. The following are super foods that will sustain...
