
Are you receptive?

Are you receptive?

Reception From Berdhanya Book " Mastering Reality" Our ability and awareness to perceive, receive and assimilate information is reception. Reception is one quality of the feminine. Our structure of being is able to receive 144 different types of information. Some of...

For Love: I Fall

For Love: I Fall

Our heart is so immersed in definitions of love that we lose track of the real purity of the most powerful force in creation. I am not intending to define love here; however, I do want to bring your attention to the consequences of daily activities that we do in the...

[:es]Pesto de ruca para aliviar pitta dosha[:]

[:es]Pesto de ruca para aliviar pitta dosha[:]

[:es]El verano tiende a elevar el fuego interno (pitta) causando dolores de cabeza, inflamaciones en los tejidos y exceso de sudor. La naturaleza es sabia y nos rodea en tiempo de verano con plantas y frutas que nos ayudan a balancear el pitta dosha. Este pesto reduce...

[:es]Inmunidad y Ayurveda[:]

[:es]Inmunidad y Ayurveda[:]

[:es]Por: Scott Gerson,M.D., Ph.D. (Ayu) El concepto de inmunidad en Ayurveda cautiva en muchas de sus facetas. Vyaadksamatva como es conocida en Ayurveda significa literalmente "resistencia (ksamatva) contra la enfermedad (vyaadhi). La resistencia física y mental a...

Facial Mask for each ayurvedic Dosha

Facial Mask for each ayurvedic Dosha

By Isabela Blanchet Summer is about pleasure and celebration. Masks with fresh natural ingredients are great not only to clean, exfoliate but also to nourish and rejuvenate the skin. Check your skin and decide to give yourself a break. You can use these recipes once a...

5 Types of Nourishment Your Child is Asking For

5 Types of Nourishment Your Child is Asking For

Children can be delightful when they eat or they can be fussy; either way it does not have to be a big concern for the parent. Each child has a style of eating food that is in accordance with their Ayurvedic constitution. What we need to realize is that there are...

Steps on the Path of Self-Discovery-Part One

Steps on the Path of Self-Discovery-Part One

By Berdhanya A long time ago, the seekers of India recognized that the month of July is the month that enhances reflection on the relationship between student and spiritual teacher. It is the time of the moon when the plentitude of life is demonstrated by Earth and...

Why I resist the Divine Law

Why I resist the Divine Law

The ego rebels towards structure. The main function of the ego is to impose on you a frequency that is below or above the divine. In the ego sense, all you want is to win, to be right and to maintain your own private sense of control. You maintain that control with...

The Divide Between Male and Female: The creation of ego.

The Divide Between Male and Female: The creation of ego.

  By Matthew Cosgrove. The Subdivision of the Kingdom In order to understand the origin of the original split between male and female let us consider the subconscious as female, the conscious as male. We have consciously accepted that the superior part is the head,...

Self-Esteem and Respect

Self-Esteem and Respect

Affection toward the self, caring for what we appreciate inside of ourselves and announcing our skills to the world is self -esteem. Self-appreciation or valuing the self under any action or circumstance is self-esteem. Cruelty towards the self is not to provide...

The stories of pain in your skin

The stories of pain in your skin

By Isabela Blanchet I met a woman whose face was tight and serious. She asked what I could do to help her skin. she had pimples in the lower part of her cheeks and her eyes were dull. Given the location of her pimples, I surmised that the source was constipation...

Spiritual Cosmology: The 3 Regions of the Self

Spiritual Cosmology: The 3 Regions of the Self

Inner awakening has many “facets” and many “regions” within and outside our cosmology. The seeker needs to be clear about these different regions in order to apply the correct understanding and required actions. Region One: All that facilitates experiences This region...

The Three Stages of Trust

The Three Stages of Trust

Many of us are stuck in the conviction that we need to trust in order to let go, to move into our power and to reclaim our potential. We put the word "trust" on a pedestal and we circle around it without understanding its nature and its role in our structure. Are we...

Am I overthinking?

Am I overthinking?

The Fourth Direction By Matthew Cosgrove. From his book: The Altar of the initiate I Think Therefore I Am In this stage or lifetime we slowly begin to learn how to manage being in this world. Having been submerged and survived we now have a precedent, we open to a new...
