“Ayurveda is the science of life and it’s play a fundamental role in supporting inner freedom.”

Learn the Ayurveda way for balance and longevity

Experience Vibrant Health with Ayurveda

Berdhanya brings together professionals from the natural sciences to bring wellness and balance into your life with ayurvedic treatments. The exercise of preventative medicine is based on the sciences of ayurveda and natural living. These professionals offer ayurvedic treatments, ayurvedic purification (panchakarma), the cultivation of beauty, naturopathic services, energetic bodywork, ayurvedic assessments, and a variety of beauty products, herbs and spices.

Our Ayurveda and Wellness programs in Ottawa & Quebec is complemented by the course Practical Awakening

How to Start your Wellness Program?

Your wellness program is supported by our team of holistic professionals. For a coherent understanding of your health and lifestyle program, we suggest, as a first step, to make an appointment with our Ayurvedic doctor, Dr. Shamna Prujith. Her suggestions will determine the type of treatments, lifestyle and proper herbs to take during the 3 or 7-day programs. Meeting with our Ayurvedic doctor is a must if you have health issues.

If you are already under the care of an Ayurvedic doctor we suggest that you read carefully the components of our wellness program and select the one most suitable to your needs.

Learn about Ayurveda and it’s role in inner freedom

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Ayurveda and it’s role in supporting inner freedom.

What is ayurveda?

What is ayurveda?

What is Ayurveda? Ayurveda originated in India more than 5,000 years ago and is the oldest continuously practiced health-care system in the world. Drawn from an understanding of nature’s rhythms and laws, Ayurveda is built around the five elements of either earth,...

Take this course

Ayurveda Women Care is a beautiful, healing and transformative to help you explore your sexual and reproductive health as a woman. Based on the science of Ayurveda, this course offers a wealth of information on women’s self-care, including alternative solutions for fertility, menstrual cycle disorders, sexual pleasure and natural hygiene.

This 10-hour self-guided course was created by Dr. Shamna Prajit, ayurvedic doctor and Berdhanya Swami Tierra, a female shaman and spiritual teacher. Through their collaboration, these two women bring their knowledge and expertise to the table to offer modern women and uplifting perspectives and practices for female wisdom and self-care.

Register here

Nutrition & Ayurvedic Cooking

Follow Berdhanya’s Cooking Blog: The Book of Taste

“The Book of Taste” is one of Berdhanya’s blogs  to  support your inner seeker with the science of Ayurveda.

Its weekly entries provide valuable reference for daily living and general well-being. It emphasizes prevention and encourages the maintenance of good health through close attention to balance in one’s life, proper thinking, diet, lifestyle, and the use of spices and herbs. Countless recipes make this blog a favorite of many.

What is Cooking?

Empower yourself in the kitchen! !