Sutra: The mystic center

Sutra: The mystic center

  The centre of the seeker (the heart) arises when personal action is abandoned and the notion of “I am this or that” dissolves. As the guiding force of the seeker, the centre is there and it is not. It is full and it is empty. In a state of equanimity, the...
Sutra: The Liberation of Prana

Sutra: The Liberation of Prana

Every action is the action of the divine will and order. Every action is animated by prana (life force). When realizing that he is not the doer, the seeker liberates the prana from the doer, the doing and the done. Impure actions are those done in the name of personal...
Sutra: The 5 experiences of silence

Sutra: The 5 experiences of silence

Silence is experienced in 5 different ways: silence of speech, silence of the senses (sight, smell, touch, etc.), silence of the mind, silence of deep sleep, and conscious silence, as in deep sleep. Only the 5th type of silence is conducive to liberation. In this type...
Sutra: Freedom from action

Sutra: Freedom from action

When the doer, the doing and the done unite, the doer of all takes over in all that is done. The structure, formation and expansion of the doing belong then to the sacred sparkle of the creator. The seeker that transcends the illusion of doing attains perfection of...