The concrete body and all its faculties are images (like in a mirror) of the great void (formless). The formless delights to know itself by animating all of its countless images. The soul bodies (unconditional love)facilitates the incarnation of the void, so the void...
Winter is actually the season when the digestive fire is strongest. The body requires more fuel to stay warm and healthy in the winter months, and the cold weather forces the fire principle deep into the core of the body—igniting the digestive capacity. Our bodies...
[:es]Con el Invierno llega el frío y los cambios no sólo suceden en el ambiente, sino también en nuestro cuerpo. No podemos controlar las estaciones, ni el clima dentro de cada estación, pero si podemos controlar lo que hacemos y cómo reaccionamos a los cambios de la...
The source is unmodified by any knowing, by any form or by any affection. Consciousness does not truly undergo any modification, nor does it ever become impure. The impurities themselves are imaginary; their illusion is the impurity. When this is realized, the...
Any identification holds (or retains) the life force (and uses energy). The life force (energy) belongs either to earth (life) or to the forces of the divine order. Through the liberation of any identification, the retained force is freed and returned to its source....