The only freedom seekers have is to be impeccable, to behave impeccable. Not only impeccability is freedom: it is the only way to straighten the human form. The seeker must be impeccable in their availability to drop what is not real, in that way the entrapment of...
[:es] Sacado del libro, “Los derechos Internos”. Cuando llegamos a entender la verdadera naturaleza de nuestra identidad, nos sorprendemos no por la experiencia de la iluminación, sino por su sencillez. Podemos ver que todos los esfuerzos anteriores para...
The path of the seeker is to become gradually aware that the ordinary life has been forever left behind. The means of the ordinary world are no longer used as a buffer to his true nature; the seeker must adopt a new way of life if he is going to survive.
[:es]En Ayurveda para mantener la salud se hace mucho énfasis en que el equilibrio se logra día a día con ayuda de nuestra responsabilidad y autoconocimiento, esto quiere decir que mucho de lo que necesitamos para lograr este objetivo está en el grado de conexión que...
When the pure heart contemplates the infinite dimension of essence, which is the source of all bliss and within the reach of all, it rests in the pure consciousness (source). The mind that is devoted to the source, which is introverted and filled with self-knowledge,...