The facts of Woman’s Self Worth

The facts of Woman’s Self Worth

Everything Rises or Falls in Accordance with Our Radiance I can honestly say that the efficiency, happiness, and health of my family, friends, and business have a direct correlation with my self-evaluation. In my experience, any time that I have failed to fully...
The gate of obedience

The gate of obedience

The most delicate passage for the seeker is to surrender their own will without being submissive to an invented outer authority (god, teacher, community). The construction of an outside authority has an intimate relationship with the choice of being a victim as a way...
Are you useful?

Are you useful?

You are only useful when you have disappeared. You are only relevant and impactful to the world when the “I” is no longer relevant. When you are just awareness and nobody, full of light and emptiness, you are useful.
Inner Ceremonies

Inner Ceremonies

  Satsang January 1st, 2019 I am really thrilled to have this theme on this day of the 1st (of January) because really without the inner ceremony we cannot advance anywhere. And it should be considered the first thing to do when we embark on any project. Like we...
[:es]Pudín de chocolate vegano[:]

[:es]Pudín de chocolate vegano[:]

[:es]Sólo necesitas 5 ingredientes y 5 minutos para preparar este pudding de chocolate vegano. Puedes añadirle tus diferentes nueces o frutas preferidas como decoración. INGREDIENTES 1/4 taza deleche de arroz (62 g) 1/2 taza de cacao en polvo sin azúcar (50 g) 1/2...