The Call to Respect the Power of a Woman’s Moon Cycle

The Call to Respect the Power of a Woman’s Moon Cycle

As women, we are privileged to have a natural cycle that gives us the ability to understand two important aspects of life: activities that are constructive, creative and expanding;  and those that call us to go within, to reflect, and to renew ourselves. What Modern...
The 7 Qualities of the feminine

The 7 Qualities of the feminine

These teachings were explored under the topic of Contemplation and Enlightenment as Feminine (May 2017). The 7 Qualities of the Feminine The 7 qualities of the feminine are: Reception Reflection Volume/Magnification of the information; Expansiveness Fill up the light...
Love: a Painful awakening

Love: a Painful awakening

The Laws of Human Love We are born out of love;  we live and grow because of love. We seek love and we long for love. For us, love is always an incomplete phenomenon. We need to understand this principle of incompleteness to feel peace and to stop thinking about...
Dissolving into infinity

Dissolving into infinity

“Dissolving and being reborn in the infinite moment is the ultimate purification and expression of life and love.” To understand dissolution, I can give you the image of the moment where the drop of water turns to ice (or vice versa). In this process, the element of...