In Ayurvedic medicine, marma points are anatomical locations in your body where a concentration of life energy exists. Marma points are said to contain the three doshas: Vata (air and space), kapha (earth and water), pitta (fire and water)
a Marma point is a junction on the body where two or more tissue types meet, such as muscles, veins, ligaments, bones or joints.
The focus of marma point massage is primarily to manipulate subtle energy or prana, but physically they’re also very effective for relieving stiff muscles and boosting circulation. Marma therapy is used extensively throughout Ayurveda and is considered necessary in self-care and self-healing practices. Just as many of us are (re)discovering through yoga, the key to greater health and happiness doesn’t necessarily lie outside of us but instead is quite literally at our fingertips.
There are 107 marma points on the body, each serving a particular purpose and each with its name and specific way of massaging it. Different oils are used depending upon each person’s Ayurvedic dosha type.
Phana Marma
Meaning ‘a serpent’s hood’ and found at the sides of the nostrils.
Phana marma point on each side of the nostrils
Each of these two points measures ½ anguli (half a finger unit) in size and is located just outside the nose’s base, where the nostrils open out. These points control the flow of prana through the subtle body, the sense of smell, and the sinuses. The right side is connected to Pingala Nadi, and the left side with Ida.
To massage these points, use a strong and circular motion for about five minutes simultaneously. When using the index finger for acupressure at this point, it is said to help relieve headache symptoms and sinus congestion. It can be even more effective when coupled with aromatic oils like peppermint, eucalyptus or camphor. Choose a massage oil such as mustard or apricot oil if available.
All marma points in the nose can be clean and stimulated using Nasya treatment, meditation and herbal paste.