The 3 Valours of the Master
The master is built in an environment of duality. As harsh as this may sound, it is only in the storms of life that we can declare our valour and our value. It is in the storms where we find what is real, and where we define our choices, our availability and our humility.
The master is born out of the inner storms with great confidence and wisdom. The master learns not to blame, not to expect and not to get caught in fantasies and interventions. In the inner storm, the master must remain close to the facts, close to what he is and close to the call of life.
In the middle of storms, the master realizes three types of valour:
1. The valour to be yourself or to be unique
This type of valour declares boldly your own flavour, your own expression and your own mission. Here, with great conviction, you are established in your values and your uniqueness. Any betrayal of what you know deviates you from your uniqueness and from seeing what your trajectory is.
2. The valour to feel everything
This type of valour prepares you to understand existence through your feelings. You feel all that is in creation – the good, the bad, the beautiful and the ugly. You feel everything and you do not take it personally. You feel it and you are not looking to discern, protect or prefer. You are exposed to all sentient beings with all their dramas, cycles and wisdom.
3. The valour to be still as you pass through storms
In the middle of any life movement, you find your own stillness. You realize that you don’t need to bite the solutions of your mind. You realize you can experience the fear, the anxiety or the mental agitations and that these storms are not the driving force of your life. You can find the inner stillness by contrast and by being willing to be taken by the storm.
In this type of valour, you are able to face any physical, emotional or mental discomfort. You realize that the parts of you that are in discomfort are the parts that are in the process of dissolution ad so you are less apt to intervene or to rush in to fix your discomforts. Discomforts are the tools that sing that your little “I” is still existing. You simply need to be honest, to be aware of them and to leave them alone. They will be dissolved in the light of your awareness and compassion.