Alignment of personal resonance with the flow of creation can be induced by daily practice. The science of alignment resonance generally has three steps:
1.- Hear your internal resonance.
2.- Hear your external resonance.
3.- Hear the cosmic resonance.
4.- Use a sound to harmonize the ” different level of resonance”.
5.- Repose.
Yoga science aid the process with specific mantras and Mudra ( hands position). Let’s learn in this lesson the use of Shanmukhi mudra.
Shanmukhi Mudra is practiced under Mana Mudras’ category, which are gestures made using the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, lips and mouth. Mana in Sanskrit means’ head,’ and Shanmukhi Mudra includes both kinds of mudras, that is, head as well as hands.
In this practice, the fingers are used to close the seven gates of the senses (seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting) to help the body with deeper meditation.
Shanmukhi mudra denotes the practitioner’s awareness by closing the seven doors of outer perception, the two eyes, two ears and the two nostrils, and finally the mouth. By cutting off all the inputs to the senses, the gaze is fixed to the inner self. It leads to Pratyahara, a state of withdrawal from the senses leading to higher practices of Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi. This practice is a journey towards spiritual experience.
When the practitioner seals from the surroundings and progresses towards the subtle sounds and vibrations deep within, such a practice is called Nada Yoga. Nada Yoga is the practice of connecting to the inner sounds that help keep the mind and body in ‘Chitta vritti nirodha.’ It means the method of removing the fluctuations in the mind and calming them. The practice of Shanmukhi Mudra is a close resemblance to Bhramari Pranayama (Bumble Bee Breath), which is also done closing the paths to have a deeper connection with the sounds within.
How to do it Shanmukhi mudra (womb mudra)
Index fingers point to the brow point;
Middle fingers cover the eyelids;
Ring fingers are at the edge of the nostrils, not touching the nostrils;
Little fingers are placed at the edge of the lips,
Thumbs press the outer cartilage near the cheekbone into the ear canals.
Shanmukhi Mudra Benefits:
Shanmukhi Mudra’s practice supports the body and mind for more profound meditation, drawing the practitioner to gross awareness. Along with this primary benefit, the other benefits derived from this practice are:
- Shanmukhi Mudra practice initially takes the practitioner to focus on the sensations at the eyes, nose, ears, and mouth since there’s a force applied to close these paths. This external awareness helps to keep the nerves and muscles of the face active. It clears the blocks, giving room for easy flow of prana/ energy with the heat from the fingers’ tips. This energizes the eyes, nose, ears, and mouth.
- When the facial muscles are energized, there is scope for healing any defects of the eyes, nose, ears and throat due to infections.
- It relaxes the nervous system and ensures the smooth functioning of the facial nerves. It soothes the muscles of the face and the eyes and stimulates the arms and fingers’ muscles.
- With the relaxed nervous system, Shanmukhi Mudra alleviates vertigo problems and brings a calming effect to the headspace.
- Mudra helps manage anxiety and remove negative thoughts. Compared to the Three Monkeys, it is a reminder to see negative things, not hear negative things, and avoid speaking negative things about anyone or anything. Control over the senses helps to manage our day-to-day challenges that can disturb the mind.
- Shanmukhi mudra brings about inner awareness, calmness and focus. Thus facilitating more profound meditation levels to help elevate consciousness as explained in the 2nd sutra that describes the purpose of yoga practice as: chitta vritti nirodha.
- At the spiritual level, Shanmukhi Mudra when done regularly and in a disciplined way under the guidance of a yoga teacher, teaches you to withdraw from the senses creating a state of Pratyahara. This state helps with more profound meditation that promotes better and clear thinking.
- When practitioners get comfortable with this practice of withdrawing from all the senses, they have set the path for Nada Yoga. The practice of connecting to the inner sounds, a world deep inside every human body.