The intelligence of the seeker dwells in the valour he places in confronting the interventions he uses to avoid, control or delight himself in his own will. The recognition of a false will liberates a true passion for his natural self, for life and his race. When the...
The seeker must be aware of the reality of his pain and the unreality of his pain (invented). When this awareness is steady, the seeker has the opportunity to detach from the coping persona. The coping persona brings the seeker down into an eternal duality, giving him...
The first thing that I want to mention is the innate power that we all have to create form; this is a divine attribute and we all share that quality of the Source. Imagine this innate power to create form as an organ embedded in all 12 bodies of your structure of...
[:es]Sacado del curso el valor de la autoestima. Hoy vamos a estudiar la parte de la autoestima que esta apoyada sobre el afecto personal y como la poca autoestima personal esta basada en la poca comunicación que tenemos en expresar nuestra necesidad de tener afecto....
[:es]Cada experiencia crea conceptos, que a su vez crean un valor, reforzando nuestros sistemas de creencias y conduciendo nuestro sentido de lo bueno o malo, y el bien y el mal. La adicción a la creación de experiencias constantes que te desvía de la inmensidad del...