When the pure heart contemplates the infinite dimension of essence, which is the source of all bliss and within the reach of all, it rests in the pure consciousness (source). The mind that is devoted to the source, which is introverted and filled with self-knowledge,...
[:es] El sentido de debilidad, la inseguridad interior y el poco valor personal nace a partir de una duda mental. Esta duda te hace miedoso vulnerable e inseguro. Cuando dudamos, no solo estamos abriendo la puerta hacia el miedo, también estamos abriendo la puerta a...
[:es]Despertar cada dia de un sueño profundo culmina con el despertar de todos nuestro sistema físico y mental. El Saludo al Sol combina el control de la respiración con una serie de posturas de yoga o asanas que se practican en un movimiento contínuo. Estos son...
Real unity only happens in the moment of self-realization. Until then we remain in duality, fragmentation and pain. We must give ourselves the courage, consistency and contemplation time to perceive our internal choices. We need the space to practice our authenticity,...
Winter can be difficult for the respiratory system. The change of temperature, the lack of fresh air or to cold can produce cough. Identifying the quality of a cough is a very important first step in the Ayurvedic approach to returning to balance. In the simplest...