For Love: I Fall

For Love: I Fall

Our heart is so immersed in definitions of love that we lose track of the real purity of the most powerful force in creation. I am not intending to define love here; however, I do want to bring your attention to the consequences of daily activities that we do in the...
[:es]Inmunidad y Ayurveda[:]

[:es]Inmunidad y Ayurveda[:]

[:es]Por: Scott Gerson,M.D., Ph.D. (Ayu) El concepto de inmunidad en Ayurveda cautiva en muchas de sus facetas. Vyaadksamatva como es conocida en Ayurveda significa literalmente “resistencia (ksamatva) contra la enfermedad (vyaadhi). La resistencia física y...
Facial Mask for each ayurvedic Dosha

Facial Mask for each ayurvedic Dosha

By Isabela Blanchet Summer is about pleasure and celebration. Masks with fresh natural ingredients are great not only to clean, exfoliate but also to nourish and rejuvenate the skin. Check your skin and decide to give yourself a break. You can use these recipes once a...