By Matthew Cosgrove Excerpt from His Book The altar of the Initiative The Altar of the Initiate draws on the ancient teachings of the seven directions to cast insight into life’s higher purposes, stages and true meanings of the initiations that life provides. Why are...
By Dr. Shamna Pradjith Womanhood is a great blessing and is, of course, a big responsibility. A woman passes through various life transitions including menarche, pregnancy, labour, breast-feeding, child nurturing and finally menopause. These phases are all part of...
By Isabela Blanchet Senses produce perceptions. Right perception of reality is the key to understand your life, your world and your inner freedom. – Berdhanya Swami Tierra Your five senses are the doorway to your reality. The way you perceive depends on how clean are...
By Berdhanya The body is a collection of memories; it gathers information in every instant, not only from what we touch, see and hear but also from our relationships and internal tendencies. The aura or the electromagnetic field is a fluctuating combination of...
A long time ago, before yoga, meditation and sacred technologies were used in modern society for health and well-being, those seeking inner liberation would go into the wildness and silence of nature to enquire about who they were and what was the true nature of...