[:es]En Ayurveda hay 3 constituciones båsicas, la contitución de aire ( vatta), la constitución de fuego ( pitta) y la constitución de tierra ( Kapha). Cada una tiene características físicas, emocionales y mentales. Hoy estudiemos estas caractrísticas en la...
[:es]Porque el amor no es un sentimiento, sino la esencia misma de nuestra existencia, somos incapaces de hacer una práctica; como “Necesito amar a todos”. Cuando el amor es completo somos capaces de encarnar y de crear múltiples expresiones a través de nuestros...
By Dr. Shamna Prepare tea with 1 teaspoon dry ginger powder, half teaspoon black pepper powder, 8 -10 tulasi leaves, 3-4 cloves of garlic. All boiled in two glass of water reduced to one glass. Add some jaggery or honey. Drink this 2-3 times a day Prepare a mix of 5ml...
By Isabela Blanchet To avoid puffy and swollen eyes, reduce your intake of salt, MSG, aspartame, coffee, alcoholic beverages, as well as TV, computer and reading time. If your eyes are puffy: 1. With your ring fingers, make small circular movements clockwise, with...
Nature is loving to all of us at all times, especially when we consider our self in difficult times. When someone we love dies, when we are ill or simply when we are requested to move from one state of growth to another, nature is behind the movement. Nature is...