The Security and Fragility of the Master

The Security and Fragility of the Master

The perception of “We are all one living and intelligent unit” is part of masterhood. The perception is not an intellectual, scientific concept that only declares that we are all joined together in a network of sound-light. The realized one, perceives this law of...
[:es]Miedo: El asesino de tu divinidad[:]

[:es]Miedo: El asesino de tu divinidad[:]

[:es]La mayoría de la gente tiende a relacionarse con el miedo como una emoción que limita el despliegue de su desarrollo básico. Hoy vamos a contemplar el miedo desde diferentes ángulos para que pueda obtener una perspectiva sobre la esclavitud oculta de miedo. El...
The Six Fallacies of the Spiritual Seeker

The Six Fallacies of the Spiritual Seeker

Contemplate One-Level Fallacy The seeker acts as if there is only one level of spiritual teachings. This can come from a need for certainty or from simple ignorance. For this student the map is the territory. There are no alternatives. The world exists without...